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Supporting Local & Thoughts of Those Working Through This Pandemic we are. Still in the middle...or is it somewhere on either side...of this pandemic. 

Believe me, I have thought a lot about the important things, essential things, and many of those things are not jewelry! Then, I realized something. For myself, I need a little lift every once in awhile. It doesn't have to be expensive. Not everyone can spend even a little on anything extra, so those that do, are helping to support our small businesses.

I try to support our local retailers, even if it is a little something, I know it helps, because I experience it in my own business. I have had some of my customers call and place orders, for themselves, for an anniversary, for Mother's Day and engagement rings! Yes, people are still giving that symbol of love and getting engaged! I have had people that just need a watch battery, or asked for a gift certificate. It ALL helps. 

Reverse Braille Pendants: Hope & Love

I have started an on-line store through my website to give people access when they can't leave their homes. I have started being more active on Facebook, and starting a promotion once a week... be the first five to call within a certain amount of time on a certain day, and you can get the "Surprise" item for the week for a specific dollar amount. That may just end up being a permanent thing! These earrings shown below, are the $25.00 "Surprise Friday Earrings" from last week.

Meanwhile, I am working on not losing focus on creativity, though I will tell you, it is not without struggle. What I know is, I find things come into focus when I stop trying so hard. I know enough to relax and not force. So I keep it simple, and modify, when I am finding it hard to reach the goals I expect of myself, knowing that things will change, just as everything we are going through will change. 

Please keep those people on the immediate edge of this disease in your thoughts and those that are affected by the trickle down effect...which are ultimately all of us. Those that are working in every capacity to find solutions, that are working to maintain our essentials, and those that are sacrificing their health and well being because they have no choice. Have hope that we will get beyond this crisis and find a way of living that may be different, but living at all, may seem a luxury once this is overcome. Be thankful, have HOPE, and thank you for all support of local businesses.

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